SmallieSaver with the big smallmouth of the week. This fish is OLD. I expect this fish may be pushing 6lbs in the spring. In the pic, the fish is about 4-5lbs. He did not weigh it, but it is a really DECENT smallie.
Cool Loon pic...........somewhere in the Boundary Waters.
SmallieSaver and I decided to try for walleye..........This is the magic, go to spot. The "Straits of George". We didn't even get a nibble. Man, I stink at walleye fishing. The previous trip in the fall, we were able to target, and catch walleye........Not this time. They had lockjaw.
We had a REALLY early pickup at American Point. This was to make sure we could make the airport in Duluth by 3:00pm. We managed to make it.......but just barely. This was perfect end to a very enjoyable trip. I really cannot wait until my next trip, and especially, my next fall trip.